Schoolchildren get 1st dose of COVID jabs in  Pakokku Township

Schoolchildren get 1st dose of COVID jabs in  Pakokku Township
28 october 2021

COVID-19 vaccines are being given to students aged 12 and above  at primary schools in Pakokku  Township, Magway Region, in  line with the motto “Let’s  get  vaccinated against COVID-19   for a healthy and happy life of education”.

Healthcare officials gave the  vaccines to the above 12-yearold students at  Maha Bodhi Aungmyay Monastic Education  Post-Primary School in Nyaung

Kyitpin Village, Pakokku Township yesterday.

Health officials measured the  body temperatures, blood pressure and  monitored oxygen levels  before the vaccination.

On the same day, 48 school  students: 12 schoolboys and 26  schoolgirls from middle and high  schools in Kamma Station, Pakokku Township received the firstdose of COVID vaccines. Hand-washing basins were  also set up at the vaccination sites to prevent COVID-19 disease.

Officials also distributed  masks and face shields before  the vaccination. Next, health officials meas[1]ured the body temperatures,  blood pressure and monitored  oxygen levels before the vaccination.

From 17 to 27 October, a to[1]tal of 3,232 primary and middle  school children has been vaccinated against the COVID-19 in  the townships and village- tracts  of the Pakokku Township.

The remaining 12-year-old  students will be vaccinated, officials said.