Vice Chairman of State Administration Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief  of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) Vice-Senior General  Soe Win inspects agricultural and livestock breeding camps of Yangon Command

Vice Chairman of State Administration Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief  of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) Vice-Senior General  Soe Win inspects agricultural and livestock breeding camps of Yangon Command

NAY PYI TAW December 29

    Vice Chairman of the State Admini-stration Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) Vice-Senior General Soe  Win, accompanied by the Yangon Region chief minister, senior military officers from the Office of the Commander-in-Chief, the Yangon Command commander and officials, visited the agricultural and livestock breeding camps of the Yangon Command this afternoon.    

First, the Vice-Senior General arrived at No (1) Agricultural and Livestock Breeding Camp where the commander reported on functions of the farms and  selling of fish, meat, vegetables, eggs and milk produced from the farms to families of officers, other ranks and war veterans at affordable prices.

The chief minister reported on the emergence of Nyaunghnabin Agricultural and Livestock Breeding Zone, formation of committees and agricultural and livestock breeding activities.

After hearing the reports, the ViceSenior General explained sales of those products at cheap prices to Tatmadaw members and civil servants after setting  an aim to implement multi-purpose agricultural and livestock breeding tasks,  prioritization of their welfare without seeking profits, measures to manufacture healthy products after consulting with research groups, and coordination between the Yangon Command and region government in meeting food demands of Yangon city, the commercial capital of the country. 

He also stressed the needs for systematic supervisions of the onground tasks  at the Nyaunghnabin special zone, ensuring a balance between supply and demand for the city population, preservation of fish and meat surpluses under modern refrigeration system, measures for exports to foreign markets and invitation of entrepreneurs for investments. 

Next, the Vice-Senior General and party inspected vegetables, mushroom and chicken produced from the farms and farming of Novogin brown chickens, and catching of fish from Fish Farm No (1) where 1,500 carp, 800 river catfish, 500 pomfret and 200 grasseating Hamilton’s carp have been raised starting 5 January this year. When catches take place, a fish weighs about 1 viss and the farm produced 2,250 viss of fish today. Those fish will be sold to the military units and regiments at cheap prices. The Vice-Senior General then gave necessary instructions after hearing reports by officials.    

Later, the Vice-Senior General and party went to No (3) Agricultural and Livestock Breeding Camp and inspected breeding of pigs for incubation, 1,000 Karki King ducks and breeding of fish at 16 farms. Then, the Vice-Senior General coordinated requirements after hearing reports.