Nay Pyi Taw February 18
The country is currently seeing protests in some large cities. Those protesters commit destructive acts such as blocking the routes to disturb the operation of government machinery and disturbing and threatening the staff who are regularly discharging their duties.
In committing unlawful acts, protesters on 17 February disturbed officials of Myanma Railways who were inspecting and repairing the Mandalay-Thazi railroad section and locomotives for resumption of running the trains from Mandalay Region to other regions and states.
In the event, officials of Myanma Railways led by the general manager of Upper Myanmar together with Tatmadaw members and members of Myanmar Police Force inspected and repaired Mandalay-Thazi railroad section and locomotives at about 4 pm on 17 February. For the time being, about 100 protesters laid iron rods, logs of wood and stones on the rail tracks near 34th street between 78th and 79th streets in Chanayethazan Township not to run the trains for travel of passenger people andthen they continued protests.
As such, the general manager of Upper Myanmar of Myanma Railways, the township administrator and officials met the protesters with a request not to disturb the undertakings to ensure smooth transport for the people. While security forces removed the barriers laid by the protesters, those protesters from both sides of rail tracks threw stones, sticks and knives to security forces. After warning the protesters to stop their acts, members of Myanmar Police Force in least number opened warning fires with the use of rubber bullets.
The crowds of protesters could be dispersed at about 9 pm, and efforts are being made to take action against those who committed acts of melees.
This morning, a locomotive could be operated as a pilot drive for inspecting safety measures along Mandalay-Thazi railroad section, and members of the Tatmadaw and Myanmar Police Force are discharging security duty day and night for ensuring no occurrence of riots and smooth transportation.